Compression garments, such as a sleeve for an arm or a stocking for a leg, is an important way of controlling lymphoedema and Varicose veins. They put pressure on tissues to stop fluid build-up and encourage fluid to drain.
Your compression garment should be fitted by a specialist to make sure it’s effective. If it’s too loose, it won’t help with drainage. If it’s too tight, it’ll restrict blood flow.
We will help you select the type of garment and the grade of pressure appropriate for you. We will also explain how to apply and remove the garment.
Compression garments work by:
- compressing the swollen tissues and stopping fluid from building up
- helping to move fluid to an area that’s draining well
- providing support, which allows the muscles to pump fluid away more effectively
Compression Classes and indications of use:
Compression Class 1
(Light Compression, 18-21 mmHg)
- For heaviness and fatigue in the legs
- Mild varicosities without significant disposition for oedema
- Post sclerotherapy
- Initial varices during pregnancy
- Small varicose dilations of cutaneous veins
Compression Class 2
(Medium Compression, 23-32 mmHg)
- Relief of aching heaviness and fatigue caused by varices
- Post sclerotherapy
- Post surgical stripping
- Prophylaxis and treatment of complications of varicose veins and post phlebitic syndrome with chronic venous insufficiency
- Varices during pregnancy
- Pregnant patients with previous phlebitis
- Control of oedema and effective scar formation after burns
- Stasis dermatitis due to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)
Compression Class 3
(Strong Compression, 34-46 mmHg)
- For severe degrees of above
- Emphasized oedema from above causes
- Correctiable lymphoedema
- Severe chronic venous insufficiency as with post phlebitic syndrome
- Chonic venous problems after surgery
- Venous ulcers
Compression Class 4
(Very Strong Compression, over 49 mmHg)
- Primary and secondary Lymphoedema
- Primary and secondary Elephantiasis
- Absolute contraindications: advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease, decompensated heart disease, septic phlebitis, Phlegmasia coerulea dolens.
- Relative contraindications: supportive dermatoses, intolerance of compression stocking fabric, sensory disturbances of the limb, advanced peripheral neuropathy, primary chronic arthritis.