Using orthoses in the management of fractures has evolved from a “last-resort” treatment to common practice. Acceptance of functional fracture bracing as a routine treatment has not been without controversy. Using an orthosis for acute tibial fractures, and thus allowing joint motion, was a 180-degree reversal from the accepted methods of the times - rigid immobilization with no weight bearing
Skilled application is important, and numerous articles, videos and brochures describe and illustrate procedures. However, several critical points are often missed and/or diluted when discussing how to brace tibial fractures. Several successful, clinically proven prefabricated fracture braces are available.
However, without an understanding of the philosophy, indications and contraindications, clinical practice, patient instructions, skin care, etc., these prefabricated fracture braces will lead the inexperienced to unsatisfactory results and an incorrect condemnation of the method.
Simply stated, knowing who to brace is as important as knowing how to brace.